An investigation into the environmental pollution of the sea, seashores, bays and estuaries. In this state of the art report the problem of controlling pollution from oil spills after a marine accident is examined. Starting with the techniques for preventing the spillage of oil, an examination is made of containing oil spills, then removing oil from the water surface, and finally the chemical treatment of oil spilled in estuaries. Several actual cases of oil spillage are presented and the ability to control or reduce environmental damage are discussed.
Supplemental Notes:
- Sea Grant Program. Partially supported by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Corporate Authors:
Texas A&M University, College Station
Coastal and Ocean Engineering Division
College Station, TX United States 77843 -
- Herbich, J B
- Publication Date: 1972-3
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References;
- Pagination: 35 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Gels; Lifting equipment; Oil sorbents; Oil spill cleanup; Oils; Pneumatic equipment; Separators
- Uncontrolled Terms: Oil separators
- Old TRIS Terms: Oil absorption; Oil barriers; Oil gelling agents; Oil removal; Oil sinking agents; Oil spill control; Pneumatic booms
- Subject Areas: Environment; Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00035093
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Texas A&M University, College Station
- Report/Paper Numbers: COE-150
- Contract Numbers: DOT-CG-00.490-, 2-35213
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 27 1973 12:00AM