Iron ore is easily the most important dry bulk commodity in international seaborne trade and changes in the volume and direction of seaborne iron ore movements have a profound influence on shipping demand and ship sizes. The present study, which has been prepared by the Research Division of H. P. DREWRY (SHIPPING CONSULTANTS) LIMITED for subscribers to its report series, surveys the current seaborne trade pattern and from an in-depth review of the capabilities of the producing countries and the projected requirements of the main consuming areas, forecasts trends to the mid-1970's. The medium-term forecasts, which are based on considerations like increases in productive capacity, existing ownership links, proximity to consuming centres, long-term supply contracts, shipping developments, etc., also take into account steel production trends, as well as the established pattern of trade. A heavy investment is being made in port facilities to permit the berthing of very large ore carriers and throughout the report particular emphasis is placed on terminal developments and the provision of deeper berths and high-capacity loading/ unloading equipment as these will strongly influence the future iron ore trade pattern. The principal features of the seaborne trade pattern, as it evolved in the years 1969, 1970 and 1971, are identified in PART I. Tonnage movements are quantified and compared and the requirements of the importing countries analysed. PART II looks at the export capabilities of the producing countries, which are grouped according to their main market, in order to project future trade volumes to 1975. Information is presented on the past distribution of exports, mining developments, etc. in order to assess the importance of individual producing countries and their competitive strength. The projected import requirements of the three main consuming areas - Western Europe, the United States and Japan - are summarized in PART III, which also examines steel industry trends and the capacity of the principal iron ore unloading ports.
Corporate Authors:
Drewry (HP) (Shipping Consultants) Limited
Palladium House, 1-4 Argyll Street
London W1V 1AD, England - Publication Date: 1972-5
Media Info
- Pagination: 57 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Bulk cargo; Bulk carriers; Development; Economic analysis; Economic forecasting; Economics; Freight traffic; Intermodal terminals; International trade; Iron ores; Ocean shipping; Shipping; Trade
- Old TRIS Terms: Bulk traffic; Shipping economics; Shipping forecasts; Terminal development
- Subject Areas: Economics; Freight Transportation; Marine Transportation; Railroads; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00035052
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Drewry (HP) (Shipping Consultants) Limited
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 27 1974 12:00AM