Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Japan is a comprehensive system that capitalizes on innovations in electronics technology to link people, vehicles, and roads through telecommunications. In short, it is a comprehensive system designed to provide support to vehicles and their drivers by bringing the concept of multimedia to roads. This document begins with an overview of ITS Japan which includes the objectives and basic systems, the scheme (specific issues), individual themes and conceptual illustrations, and a construction schedule. The next section, Land- and Society-Related Factors Mandating ITS, indicates Japan's rigorous environmental conditions and its aging population. The third section, Road Transportation Conditions Mandating ITS, shows the rapid advances in motorization, worsening traffic jams, and steady rise in traffic accidents. The next section, A History of Road Construction in Japan, contains five figures showing Japan's national highway network, trends in highway operating expenditures and motor vehicle ownership, progress of the Five-Year Road Improvement Programs, the effect of the 11th 5-year plan for highway construction (1993-1997) on GNP, and the trend in public works investment planning. The final section, A Comparison with Europe and the United States, contains six figures showing highway situations in major countries, the trend in the shares held by various transportation modes in major countries, motor vehicle ownership by vehicle type, the current state of highway traffic (cargo vehicles vs. passenger cars), tax revenues related to highway usage, and the trend in the number of traffic-related fatalities.
Corporate Authors:
Highway Industry Development Organization
Sumitomo Fudosan Tsukiji Bldg, 7-17-1 Tsukiji Chuo-ku
Tokyo, Japan 104-0045 - Publication Date: 1995-8
- English
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; Figures;
- Pagination: 60 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aging (Biology); Alternatives analysis; Automobile ownership; Climate; Construction scheduling; Intelligent transportation systems; Population; Road construction; Strategic planning; Traffic congestion; Traffic crashes; Trend (Statistics)
- Geographic Terms: Europe; Japan; United States
- Subject Areas: Environment; Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Planning and Forecasting; Safety and Human Factors; Society; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00727366
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 29 1996 12:00AM