This paper discusses how the effects of the Northridge Earthquake, in Los Angeles on 17 January 1994, has influenced efforts by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to improve the seismic performance of bridges. It aims to help road management agencies to take proper precautions to ensure the seismic safety of bridges in areas liable to earthquakes. The Northridge Earthquake caused severe damage to seven bridges, and lesser damage to many others. A table lists the available old and new seismic retrofit strategies, which relate to: (1) superstructure stability; (2) substructure strength; (3) substructure ductility; (4) substructure stability; and (5) bridge energy. Changes to Caltrans's seismic bridge code may come from its continuous research programme, the development of better analysis procedures, seismic designs, and retrofit strategies by bridge engineers, and also more realistic seismic assessments by geotechnologists and seismologists. This work is stimulated by careful study of bridge damage after powerful earthquakes. Areas of study include: (1) balancing member stiffness; (2) vertical ground motions; (3) column flares; (4) skews; (5) improved abutment design; and (6) improved hinges.


  • Undetermined

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00725483
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Sep 26 1996 12:00AM