This article summarises a key review paper on measures to reduce exhaust emissions, that was presented in November 1975 at ATA's second international seminar on high-performance spark ignition engines for passenger cars. For petrol engines, examination of test cycles shows that emissions occur mostly during the warm-up phase before the catalyst operating temperature is reached. Thus warm-up emissions need to be reduced considerably, if stricter exhaust emission standards are to be met. Six possible strategies are presented, which should enable medium-sized cars to achieve acceptable emission levels. They all assume the use of the most modern catalyst technology, with combined platinum, palladium, and rhodium, together with engine management system measures and exhaust gas aftertreatment. Strategies 1-3 are warm-up strategies with a rich mixture, and use secondary air as the main exhaust gas measure. Strategy 4 uses the burner system, which can in principle avoid additional measures because of its large heating power. Strategy 5 uses a hydrocarbon adsorber mainly, also closed-loop lean warm-up and optimised fuel preparation. Strategy 6 uses all engine management system measures, combined with close coupling of the catalyst.
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Corporate Authors:
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
1 Birdcage Walk
London SW1H 9JJ, England - Publication Date: 1996
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 18-20
- Volume: 21
- Issue Number: 1
- Publisher: Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- ISSN: 0307-6490
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Adsorption; Catalysis; Cold starts (Driving); Conferences; Control; Fuels; Hydrocarbons; Metals; Motors; Optimization; Policy; Pollutants; Temperature; Test procedures
- Uncontrolled Terms: Optimum
- ITRD Terms: 7154: Adsorption; 7127: Catalysis; 1809: Cold starting; 8525: Conference; 3874: Control; 2442: Emission; 3850: Fuel; 7367: Hydrocarbon; 4543: Metal; 1334: Motor; 173: Policy; 6722: Temperature; 6288: Test method
- Subject Areas: Energy; Policy;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00723167
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
- Files: ITRD
- Created Date: Jul 26 1996 12:00AM