NOVACHIP (Trademark) was successfully constructed on two highways in the San Antonio District of the Texas Department of Transportation: US 281 and SH 46. A NOVACHIP (Trademark) friction course consists of a layer of hot-mix material placed over a heavy polymer-modified asphalt tack coat. The course thickness ranges from 10 to 20 mm. Layer thickness is typically 1.5 times the diameter of the largest stone. The French process, NOVACHIP (Trademark), is a new technology for Texas and the United States. This research study was created to provide a field evaluation and documentation of the process and resulting performance. After three years of service, the NOVACHIP (Trademark) pavement surfaces are in excellent condition. NOVACHIP (Trademark) shows promise as a preventive maintenance treatment or surface rehabilitation technique for asphalt concrete pavements. It should provide the maintenance engineer with an alternative for chip seals, micro-surfacing, plant-mix seals, or thin asphalt concrete overlays.
Supplemental Notes:
- Research study title: Evaluation and Monitoring of NOVACHIP (Trademark) Asphalt Pavement Process.
Corporate Authors:
Texas Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System, 1600 E Lamar Boulevard
Arlington, TX United States 76011Texas Department of Transportation
Research and Technology Transfer Office, P.O. Box 5051
Austin, TX United States 78763-5051Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
- Estakhri, C K
- Button, J W
- Publication Date: 1995-11
- English
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References;
- Pagination: 26 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Asphalt pavements; Driver rehabilitation; Evaluation; Friction; Friction course; Pavement performance; Pavements; Performance evaluations; Preventive maintenance; Technology
- Uncontrolled Terms: Pavement conditions; Rehabilitation
- Geographic Terms: France
- Subject Areas: Design; Highways; Pavements; I22: Design of Pavements, Railways and Guideways; I23: Properties of Road Surfaces;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00724975
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: FHWA/TX-96/553-2F, Res Rept 553-2F, TTI: 9-553
- Contract Numbers: Study 9-553
- Created Date: Aug 27 1996 12:00AM