The CD-ROM, Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS), released by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), contains statistics from the 1983 and 1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Surveys conducted by the FHWA. These surveys measure daily travel patterns of individuals by economic, demographic, and other characteristics, representing a sample of approximately 6,500 households in 1983 and 22,000 households in 1990. Topics such as household vehicle availability and use, annual miles per licensed driver, household travel rates, vehicle occupancy, and home-to-work trips are included. The CD-ROM also contains the Statistical Export and Tabulation System (SETS) software from the National Center for Health Statistics that allows users to browse and search the NPTS data and documentation, create customized tabulations, and export user-defined subsets of NPTS data to spreadsheet, database, and statistical software applications.
Corporate Authors:
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 - Publication Date: 1996-1
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 132 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Automobile travel; Demographics; Economic factors; Households; Reports; Surveys
- Identifier Terms: Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
- Uncontrolled Terms: Personal transportation
- Old TRIS Terms: Survey reports; Vehicle usage
- Subject Areas: Economics; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Public Transportation; Society;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00721782
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Federal Transit Administration
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Jun 19 2002 12:00AM