A large-scale experiment has been carried out within the European DRIVE Project to identify actual vehicle use conditions. Fifty-e privately-owned cars - 13 models, in 6 European cities - were equ with sensors and data acquisition systems and studied under actua conditons with their own drivers during 1 month period. A wide r of variables were measured and continuously recorded in order to define engine and vehicle operating conditions. Vehicle and engi speeds, engine and ambient temperatures, and fuel consumption hav been recorded at 1-s time intervals over 73,000 km and 8200 trips The data obtained yielded very accurate information on the actual use which provided a wide image of normal European driving. This database enabled the analysis of car use characteristics and oper conditions which probably influence pollutant emissions and fuel consumption, daily vehicle use, trip characteristics (trip length duration, etc), speed and accelerations used, engine running conditions (engine speeds, choke use, etc), thermal conditions. Traffic conditions have been characterized through splitting reco speed profiles into 'kinematic sequences', between successive sto Factorial analysis and classifying techniques enabled characteriz of these sequences and linking of the different sequence types. of driving cycles for realistic emission measurements has then be drawn up using these data, representing the different traffic conditions and driving patterns observed, while taking into accou the influence of the vehicle type, driver's behaviour and geograp location, as well as the detailed records of engine operations. Vehicle uses were very frequent and often short. Time spent at r or at low speed is very significant. Short trips, low temperatur accelerations, and more generally urban traffic conditions, cause significant increases in fuel consumption. (A)

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:


    Radarweg 29
    Amsterdam,   Netherlands  1043 NX
  • Authors:
    • ANDRE, M
    • Joumard, R
    • HICKMAN, A J
    • Hassel, D
  • Publication Date: 1994


  • English

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00716059
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • Files: ITRD,
  • Created Date: Jan 31 2000 12:00AM