Experience gained from the MAN B&W Holeby heavy fuel burning marine GenSets is described. This is the most widely used diesel generator engine for marine applications within its power range. The combustion process is based on design parameters and features which enable operating and maintenance costs to be kept low even when the cheapest types of heavy fuel are used. The paper outlines how the design concept also results in very low emission figures, which will permit shipowners to observe prospective NOx regulations at no extra expense. The Uni-concept, which features the combined installation of the two-stroke low speed propulsion engine and the generating sets, sharing a common fuel system (Uni-fuel Concept), common simplified cooling water systems, starting air installation, etc., is explained. This concept enables the shipyard to select the simplest and most cost-efficient engine installation for the vessel. The technology used for the unrestricted low load operation of the engine is presented, and an outline is given of the special operational conditions, and of the great electrical load fluctuations that prevail, for instance during the loading and unloading of the vessel by means of its own cargo-handling equipment.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Marine Technology v 32 n 4, Oct 1995, p 297 [8 p, 3 tab, 15 fig]
  • Authors:
    • Schnohr, O
  • Publication Date: 1995


  • English

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00718890
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 27 1996 12:00AM