A "seamless engineering" approach for mechanical design and laser welding manufacturing combines a method for welding analysis with a method for stress analysis through the development of radiant heating models for use in a nonlinear finite element computer program. Experiments were performed welding steel plates, using a fix axis computer numerical controlled workstation to translate welding specimens under a 5-kW CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser. Thermocouples installed near the weld seam were used to measure the transient temperature field during welding. The measured temperatures were compared with the analytical predictions, and the welds were sectioned so that predictions of properties in the heat- affected zone could be compared with experimental data. This paper presents analytical results using classical methods of analysis and includes solutions for temperature fields, heating and cooling rates, and metallurgical properties in heat-affected zones.
Supplemental Notes:
- J Ship Production, v 11 n 2, May 1995, p 102 [9 p, 9 ref, 12 fig]
- Yagia, J J
- Haag, R S
- Scott, M E
- Publication Date: 1995
- English
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Lasers; Welding
- Old TRIS Terms: Laser welding
- Subject Areas: Construction; Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00718867
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 27 1996 12:00AM