The paper describes a mathematical model of first- and second- order ship motions in irregular waves. The first-order problem is calculated by the boundary integral equation method using Green's function. First-order quantities calculated are then used as input to the second-order model based on the perturbation method. Both models derived from potential theory, are fully three-dimensional, and include the effect of a flat sea bed and arbitrary shape of the floating body. Details regarding the model are given and there is an examinational of the facet sizes required for accurate estimation of second-order forces. Numerical results of second-order wave forces are compared with a physical model of a barge. The verification of the model is continued by comparisons between ship motions, including long period oscillations, predicted using the mathematical model and movements measured in physical model tests.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • J Japan Inst Navigation, v 93, Sept 1995, p 131 [9 p, 13 ref, 5 tab, 6 fig]
  • Authors:
    • Saito, K
    • Spencer, J M
    • Kubo, M
  • Publication Date: 1995


  • Japanese

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00718733
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 27 1996 12:00AM