Three-dimensional physical models of low-crested, detached rubble-mound breakwaters were built, with their individual sections representing the following components of the breakwater: front slope, crest, back slope, total section (combination of the three previous sections), front head, and back head. The stability of the armour units in each of these sections was assessed, for different freeboards, using irregular waves. In a 1992 paper, Vidal et al presented the stability criteria for the different trunk sections of this model breakwater. This paper focuses on test results from the head sections. A comparison between the stabilities of the head and trunk sections is also discussed. The stability of the back head section is found to be highly freeboard-dependent. For fully submerged conditions, the back head is one of the most stable sections of the breakwater. The front head section's behaviour is similar to that of the front slope section of the breakwater trunk; its stability increases linearly as the freeboard decreases (ie as the breakwater becomes immersed).
Supplemental Notes:
- J Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Engng, v 121 n 2, March/April 1995, p 114 [9 p, 16 ref, 3 tab, 7 fig]
- Vidal, C
- Losada, M A
- Mansard, E P
- Publication Date: 1995
- English
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Rubble mound breakwaters; Stability (Mechanics)
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00717441
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 4 1996 12:00AM