Navier-Stokes calculations were performed on two 2-D lifting foils which have been tested in a wind tunnel. In the experiment, the angles of attack for the two foils were set up to yield approximately the same lift at a Reynolds number of 2.25x106 (based on chord). One foil has a thicker trailing edge than the other, and has mild flow separation on the last 4% chord of the suction side. The flow solver, called the David Taylor Navier-Stokes (DTNS) code, is formulated with artificial compressibility and upwind differencing. The Launder-Spaulding k-epsilon turbulence model is used. Predictions of the turbulent flow quantities of the boundary layer and wake are compared with the experimental data for both foils. These predictions, including flow separation location, agree reasonably well with the data. After these validation predictions, the Navier-Stokes analysis method and a design technique based on conformal mapping are combined to develop new 2-D foil sections. Since the turbulent kinetic energy is the dynamic pressure, an the Reynolds shear stresses are related to the turbulence production, these quantities are used to develop new 2-D sections with desirable turbulent boundary layer characteristics. The characteristics of one new section are presented as results of the new foil design process.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Naval Hydrodynamics, 18th Symposium; 19-24 August 1990; Ann Arbor, MI, USA. Sponsored by Office of Naval Res, USA, Univ. Michigan & National Res Council, USA. Pprs. Publ by National Academy Press Washington D.C., USA. 1991, p 633 [12 p, 18 ref, 8 fig]
  • Authors:
    • Nguyen, P
    • Gorski, J
  • Publication Date: 1991


  • English

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00716231
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Feb 28 1996 12:00AM