Road user costs (vehicle running, time and accident costs) are important elements in defining the benefit associated with highway improvements. Decisions concerning the planning, evaluation and financing of highway improvements require an understanding of the physical service characteristics of the roadway, and the associated changes in road user costs. During Phase I of Development of Road User Costs, project researchers determined that the microcomputer program MicroBENCOST, developed at Texas A&M University, fulfills all the requirements for application by the Tennessee Department of Transportation. The ongoing work at Texas A&M (NCHRP Project 7887, Microcomputer Evaluation of Highway User Benefits) is to develop a comprehensive user-friendly, microcomputer program capable of using new and updatable support data to conduct highway user benefit-cost analysis at the project level. However, MicroBENCOST, for all its project categories, relies on a hierarchy of data inputs involving a potential to use 151 data items. Fortunately, most of the data items include default values expressed in 1990 dollars that reflect national experiences. These default values will need to be updated periodically. The Phase II research has reviewed the default values for potential adjustment to Tennessee experience and the data sources available to update these values. In most cases, localized Tennessee values compatible to the MicroBENCOST stratification could not be identified. In order to facilitate the data collection and input process for MicroBENCOST, a set of input templates was developed to allow the user to identify the proper input forms based on the type of project, number of routes, and sections. The templates were written in "Word Basic" and are an attachment to the program.
Corporate Authors:
Southeastern Transportation Center
University of Tennessee
309 Conference Center Building
Knoxville, TN United States 37996-4133Tennessee Department of Transportation
James K. Polk State Office Building, 505 Deaderick Street
Nashville, TN United States 37243Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
- Wegmann, F J
- Chatterjee, A
- Han, L D
- Publication Date: 1995-8
- English
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 174 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Benefit cost analysis; Computer programs; Costs; Data files; Microcomputers; Travel budgets
- Uncontrolled Terms: Default values; Input data; Road user costs
- Geographic Terms: Tennessee
- Subject Areas: Economics; Finance; Highways; Society; I10: Economics and Administration;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00720124
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: SPR-TN-RES1047
- Contract Numbers: CUT0713
- Created Date: Apr 11 1996 12:00AM