An ideal and practical procedure was developed to optimize resource utilization of airport Passenger Terminal Buildings (PTBs). Each procedure consists of three parts, that is, the PTB operation, an optimization model, and a flow management and control model. In the ideal procedure, it is assumed that a real-time flow management and control technique can be applied on an actual terminal building to dynamically allocate the optimum required resources, obtained from the optimization model, to a highly variable demand. The output of this procedure would be a variable time-resource plan and theoretical optimum operations cost. In the practical procedure, the PTB is simulated using a new object-oriented graphical modeling technique, the SES/workbench. The object and submodel support of this tool allowed rapid development of the simulation model capable of representing a wide variety of PTBs. Statistics from the simulation model are used to develop an optimization model, based on the resource allocation theory, to yield the optimum required resources for each segment of the building at each instant of time. It is also proposed that the results of the optimization model, a variable time-resource plan, can be implemented by application of some site-specific flow management and control strategies. As a result, the procedure will provide a practical variable operational and maintenance cost. How close one can bring the practical cost to the theoretical one depends on the flexibility of the PTB layout and the capability of flow management and control technique.


  • English

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; References;
  • Pagination: p. 34-43
  • Monograph Title: Airport and air transportation issues
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00715569
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Jan 4 1996 12:00AM