A family of by-product gypsum materials--such as flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, phosphogypsum (PG), fluorogypsum, titanogypsum, and disulfogypsum--is produced as a result of stringent environmental regulations or are inherent to the industrial processes themselves. From a mineralogical viewpoint, all these materials are calcium sulfate. However, they are produced as a result of different industrial processes. About 18 million Mg (20 million tons) of FGD gypsum and 54 million Mg (60 million tons) of PG are generated annually in the United States. Current stockpiled quantities of FGD gypsum and PG are about 136 and 726 million Mg (150 and 800 million tons), respectively. One major application for the use of these materials is in road base and subbase construction. Phosphogypsum, a by-product of phosphoric acid production, was investigated for the past 20 years in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. However, as a result of the 1989 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations related to the disposal of phosphogypsum, limited research is being conducted on this material. FGD gypsum, a by-product of sulfur oxides emission control systems, is still being evaluated. Fluorogypsum, a coproduct of the production of hydrogen fluoride, is being successfully marketed as a base and subbase material in the Houston, Texas, area. There is little information about the use of titanogypsum and disulfogypsum. A summary of the mineralogical, morphological, physical, chemical, radiological, and leachate characteristics of PG, FGD gypsum, and fluorogypsum is presented. Where applicable, properties of these materials will be compared with EPA environmental standards.


  • English

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: p. 21-26
  • Monograph Title: Environmental testing and evaluation of stabilized wastes, performance of stabilized materials, and new aggregate tests
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00713583
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Nov 22 1995 12:00AM