The authors develop a computationally efficient procedure for simulating the dynamic response of general vehicle-bridge systems. Using the finite-element method, a vehicle is modeled as lumped masses supported by springs and dashpots and a bridge is modeled with rough pavement by beam elements. An interaction element comprises a bridge element and the suspension units of the vehicle resting on the element. Composition of an interaction element and the parts of car bodies in contact define a substructure. All the degrees of freedom associated with the car bodies existing within each substructure are eliminated by the dynamic condensation method. Because the condensation has been performed on the element level, a conventional assembly process can be employed to form the structural equations. In comparing the proposed technique with existing procedures, the new technique appears to be more efficient. It is especially suited for simulating bridges with a series of vehicles moving at different speeds and/or directions.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00712787
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 28 1995 12:00AM