Travel demand analysis is conducted at household and individual levels to reflect the travel behavior of various socioeconomic groups in urban and suburban areas. Category analysis is a technique to find the average response of trips made by a particular category of analysis unit. In conventional analysis, household trip rates are calculated by cross-classifying the causal household socioeconomic characteristics that influence trip generation in a two-dimensional plane. This paper offers a modified approach that extends this analysis by considering an individual's travel attribute characteristics, making analysis three-dimensional. The anomalies pertaining to sparse or no data due to stratification of household socioeconomic variables and travel attributes, such as trip length, have been considered as well. A probabilistic approach to model formulation is attempted and calibration and validation of the model are pursued.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00712768
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, ATRI
  • Created Date: Oct 26 1995 12:00AM