The compatibility of vehicles with roadside safety hardware is crucial in that the hardware is the primary means of mitigating the injury severity of run-off-the-road accidents. This article provides background on the evolution of roadside safety features and states that the purpose of the hardware is to: 1) redirect the vehicle, 2) breakaway upon vehicle impact, or 3) bring the vehicle to a controlled stop. A discussion of the current procedure for developing roadside safety structures is included. Evaluations of the safety performance of new hardware are based on crash tests. Problem areas associated with the use of crash tests are exposed. Finite element analysis is a promising technique for evaluating the compatibility of vehicles and roadside safety hardware. The author suggests that in developing new procedures for the evaluation of the safety performance of roadside hardware, input must be gained from all parties involved in the motor vehicle/roadside safety hardware design problem.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00712729
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, ATRI, USDOT
  • Created Date: Oct 19 1995 12:00AM