From a legal point of view, the privatisation of the transport sector of the Russian Federation is very complex. It involves laws and declarations of the Supreme Soviet as well as Executive Decrees, regulations of the ministerial cabinet-the government of the Russian Federation, decisions and declarations of the State Committee for the Administration of Russian State Property, and of the Transport Ministry. Among the unusual features of the Russian legal system, to a Western observer, is the fact that Decrees of the Executive can significantly modify the provisions of a statute. These modified outline conditions have been further amended in the transport sector, in view of the special significance of the sector in meeting the needs of public transport, so that the "actual" law is unsatisfactory if applied in isolation. The substantive and procedural privatization law in Russia only becomes clear to an outsider if he first familiarizes himself with the individual sectors of the economy and the corresponding "exceptional rules."

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    University of Denver College of Law

    Editor in Chief, 7039 E 18th Avenue
    Denver, CO  United States  80220
  • Authors:
    • Giemulla, E
    • van Schyndel, H
  • Publication Date: 1995


  • English

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00711412
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Sep 12 1995 12:00AM