Seventy-eight bilingual, automated, multimedia kiosks were installed within the greater Los Angeles area of California as part of the Los Angeles Smart Traveler field operational test being carried out by the California Department of Transportation's (CalTrans) Advanced Public Transportation Systems Group. As a consequence of the Northridge earthquake, the Smart Traveler Kiosk element was expanded from a limited test to an extensive network of kiosks providing area travelers with information on transportation options. One of the principal objectives of the field operational test is to assess the effectiveness of this method of disseminating traveler information to influence travel behavior. The kiosks provide personalized transit itineraries including routes, fares, schedules, and origin-to-destination travel times; carpooling possibilities; real-time freeway conditions; and videos on various transportation topics such as "driving tips" and "effect on the environment ". The user interface is a touch-screen monitor. Freeway flow status is displayed on a map. The videos are stored on a laserdisc within the kiosk. All other information is displayed in textual form. Carpool match lists and transit information can be printed by the kiosk.


  • English

Media Info

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00711345
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Federal Transit Administration
  • Files: NTL, TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Sep 20 1995 12:00AM