To get a better understanding of the physical aspects of ship slamming, and to generate slamming pressure data pertinent to twin- hull vessels, a series of drop tests were conducted on a small scale SWATH characteristic model made from mild steel material and representing specific features of the underdeck configuration of twin hull ships. Detailed information about pressures and strain time histories is presented at various positions in the bottom panel of the model. The investigation provides useful insight into the slamming behaviour of panels at varying angles of impact. Due to the structural characteristics of the twin-hull vessel the pressure coefficients measured from these present drop tests are significantly smaller than from the 2-D wedge test and other drop tests from various earlier sources. The correlations of slamming pressure, but also for pressure rise-time and duration. At flat impact the local structural response is quasi-static in essence. However, pressure and strain measurements strongly indicate the dynamic behaviour of the structural panel under wedge impact. The static analysis in these circumstances is no longer adequate. Wall effects and the influence of drop weight have also been examined in the experiments.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Univ Glasgow, Dept of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engng, rpt NAOE-94-34, Nov 1994 [63 p, 15 ref, 43 fig]
  • Authors:
    • Zhu, L
  • Publication Date: 1994


  • English

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00710727
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 14 1995 12:00AM