An experimental study was carried out on sloshing loads on middle-sized tankers with double hulls. A 3D model and a 2D tank model were used, they were of rectangular shape with no inner structural members and were modified to investigate the effects of bilge hoppers and shoulder tanks, effect of centre-line girders, and of horizontal girders on a transverse bulkhead. Sloshing impact pressures were measured at inner surfaces of the models and on the inner structural members. Model tests were carried out for regular rolling, swaying and irregular rolling motion. In each case, the fill depth and period of motions were changed. The period of each measurement of the model tests was 300 seconds. Peak values of impact pressures were detected, processed statistically and evaluated by 1/10 highest mean values. The basic aspects of sloshing loads were shown through the experiments: effects of fill rates on resonance frequencies, effects of inner structural members on sloshing impact pressures, and effects of swash bulkhead to reduce sloshing. Measured sloshing loads in irregular waves by model tests were compared with estimations using linear probabilistic theory. They agreed comparatively well, and the discrepancy between them seemed mainly due to the nonlinearity of the sloshing phenomena.
Supplemental Notes:
- J Soc Naval Arch Japan, v 176, Dec 1994, p 399 [10 p, 3 ref, 2 tab, 23 fig]
- Takemoto, H
- Oka, S
- Publication Date: 1994
- Japanese
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Impact loads; Sloshing; Tankers
- Old TRIS Terms: Double hulls
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00710719
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: British Maritime Technology
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 14 1995 12:00AM