The aim of the paper is to examine the factors affecting the safety of navigation at sea, and the scope for using modern technology to prevent casualties from occurring. In particular, an attempt is made to identify fields where new research or development effort seems likely to offer useful returns. Non-technological means for achieving safety eg improved training in seamanship shall not be considered except in so far as these have technological implications, such as equipment for use in training. Nor will the means of mitigating the effects of a casualty once it has occured (damage control, salvage, decontamination) be dealt with. (Author)
Supplemental Notes:
- Published in Transactions of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Paper 1362 pages 21-84 1971
Corporate Authors:
National Physical Laboratory
Ship Division
Teddington, England -
- Paffett, JAH
- Publication Date: 1971-11-9
Media Info
- Pagination: 63 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Crash avoidance systems; Navigation; Navigation systems; State of the art
- Old TRIS Terms: Navigation techniques
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Operations and Traffic Management;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00034392
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: SHIP-164
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Sep 15 1974 12:00AM