Computer simulation has many advantages. However, one major disadvantage is that, in all too many cases, the attempt to use computer simulation to find an optimum solution to a problem rapidly degenerates into a trial-and- error process. This disadvantage, which has, unfortunately, received relatively little attention in the literature, is addressed in the present study. Techniques for overcoming this disadvantage, i.e., for making optimization and computer simulation more compatible, are applicable at two points in the development of the overall computer simulation. Techniques which are used within actual construction of the mathematical models comprising the simulation will be labeled as internal methods, while those which are used after the simulation has been completely developed will be termed external methods. The report briefly discusses various internal and external methods, concludes that the largest potential payoff in the area of optimization will be from external methods, and suggests the development of an Optimizer computer program of wide applicability which could be coupled to existing simulations. The Optimizer based on external methods, would use the inputs and outputs of the simulation plus additional information from the simulation user to automate, to a degree, the optimization process and, hopefully, provide a great improvement over trial-and-error. ( Author )

  • Corporate Authors:

    HRB-Singer Incorporated

    P.O. Box 60, Science Park
    State College, PA  United States  16801
  • Authors:
    • Smith, Dennis E
  • Publication Date: 1970-7

Media Info

  • Pagination: 78 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00007063
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Dec 22 1973 12:00AM