The Q-Route survey mission involves exploratory ocean floor reconnaissance and the location/relocation of mine-like objects along established routes from the entrance of major U.S. ports to the continental shelf. This report presents results of a joint U.S. Coast Guard - U.S. Navy Q-Route Survey project conducted in New London, CT. USCG vessels were equipped with commercially-available equipment and systems, and manned by a mix of USCG and USN personnel. Results of at-sea operational evaluations intended to measure the effectiveness of an integrated navigation/data management system in meeting Q-route survey mission requirements are discussed. An integrated system configuration comprised of side scan sonar, display/data management, and navigation/positioning subsystem was found to be highly effective for conducting detailed Q-route surveys. USCG vessels are suitable platforms from which to conduct coastal Q-route survey operations. No significant vessel-related constraints were associated with available working space, minimum vessel speed, or electrical power. A joint-service approach to Q- route survey operations effectively uses existing skills and talent. With only minimum training assigned USN personnel operated the equipment consoles while USCG personnel piloted the vessel and deployed/recovered the side scan sonar and acoustic tracker hydrophone. The most critical factor impacting the effective conduct of route survey operations was the availability and performance of the radio navigation system. During these trials Differential Loran-C provided a predictable, geodetic accuracy of 23 meters, 2 DRMS.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Coast Guard

    Office of Research and Development
    Washington, DC  United States 
  • Authors:
    • Alexander, L
    • Walker, R T
    • Krammes, S L
  • Publication Date: 1990-6


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 119 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00666767
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
  • Report/Paper Numbers: R/DC-15/90; USCG-D-20-90
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Oct 3 1994 12:00AM