The selection of vessel size as measured by cargo capacity is one of the most important decisions affecting the overall economics of a proposed ship. This decision is often a difficult one because the predicted availability of cargo has long term trends upwards or downwards. In addition, seasonal fluctuations may be expected. Other complications arise because of differences that may exist on each leg of the voyage in cargo availability, freight rates, and so on. Under these circumstances, the selection of ship size has in the past been rather arbitrary simply because the complexities of the problem precluded any sort of rational approach. Electronic computers, however, give us the tools we need to solve problems of this nature. In this paper we show how ship size may be selected in such a way as to provide the most economical design for a given forecast of cargo availability. Sensitivity studies lead to a few tentative conclusions as to the relative importance of factors such as sea speed or length of voyage. The influence of cargo availability patterns receives particular attention. Although the example shown here is for a rather simple case, the ideas behind the analysis can be expanded to handle more complicated situations.
Supplemental Notes:
- Reprinted from SNAME Transactions, V75, 1967.
Corporate Authors:
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
Ann Arbor, MI United States 48109 -
- Benford, Harry
- Publication Date: 1967
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; Figures; Tables;
- Pagination: 23 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Analysis; Cargo compartments; Cargo ships; Costs; Operating costs
- Uncontrolled Terms: Cost analysis
- Old TRIS Terms: Cargo capacity
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Design; Finance; Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00007023
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: B-14
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 25 1971 12:00AM