The objective of this project was to produce detailed strategies that PennDOT can use to address the problems resulting from improper actions on the part of truck drivers, motor carriers, and operators of other vehicles that share the Commonwealth's roadways with trucks. The Pennsylvania Transportation Institute's (PTI's) role in this project was to develop preliminary strategies based on (1) the findings of previous research in the field, (2) analysis of current accident data, (3) a questionnaire survey of truck drivers concerning safety issues in the trucking industry, and (4) the experience and opinions of acknowledged experts on motor carrier and truck safety. These findings will be used by the prime contractor, Kelly Michener, Inc., who will integrate them with the results of several focus group discussions to produce the detailed strategies required to address the problems identified. The project report contains two volumes. This volume (Volume II) describes the project methodology and findings in detail; Volume I is an executive summary of the overall report. Chapters 1 and 2 provide a summary and an introduction, respectively. Chapter 3 presents the results of a literature review. Chapter 4 presents the results of four focus groups ("good" truck drivers, "problem" truck drivers, motor carrier management, and auto drivers) conducted as part of this study. Chapter 5 reports the results of a series of "expert interviews" conducted to collect information regarding current issues in motor carrier safety and to identify potential strategies to address truck safety problems. Chapter 6 provides a brief summary and analysis of data concerning truck accidents that occurred in Pennsylvania between 1985 and 1989. Chapter 7 contains the findings of a survey of truck drivers conducted as part of this study. Chapter 8 is a short assessment of the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program inspection function and how it can be used to mitigate high-risk driver actions and other truck-related safety issues. Chapter 9 is a synthesis of the study results. Chapter 10 concludes the report by summarizing the study findings and providing recommendations to address the high-risk actions of truck drivers and the factors involved in car-truck collisions.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Pennsylvania State University, University Park

    Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Transportation Research Building
    University Park, PA  United States  16802

    Kelly Michener, Incorporated

    416-418 W Marion Street, P.O. Box 959
    Lancaster, PA  United States  17603

    Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

    1215 Transportation and Safety Building
    Harrisburg, PA  United States  17120
  • Authors:
    • Mason Jr, J M
    • Patten, M L
    • Plummer Jr, C W
    • Micsky, R J
  • Publication Date: 1991-11-7

Media Info

  • Features: Appendices; Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 346 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00619278
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: PTI 9219, Res Proj 90-14
  • Created Date: Feb 29 1992 12:00AM