This report is one that is basically global in scope and covers all aspects of marine pollution and its effect on marine ecology and the maritime industry. It consists of a 3 Volume work, the first being an executive summary of the report. Volumes 2 and 3 are divided into the following 5 sections: 1. present and projected types and amounts of pollution in the marine environments; 2. effects of pollution on the ocean; 3. transnational response to marine pollution through legal and other means; 4. detection and prevention technology; 5. ship and port technology. Section 1 presents a detailed coverage and breakdown of marine pollution causes, its major categories, effects on life cycles of various earth elements, ocean pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons, ocean pollution from accidental losses by the maritime industry, and ocean pollution by normal losses of the maritime industry. In section 2 the effects of pollution on the oceans with regard to ocean circulation, life and nutrient cycles, pesticides and radioactive contaminations, mercury and other pollutants are covered, and case histories and examples are supplied. Section 3, is divided into 2 parts; part A gives a thorough breakdown of world wide organizations and legislation concerned with pollution abatement and control as well as enforcements of these statutes. Part B covers these aspects, legislation, organizations, and enforcement, in detail with specific regard to the U.S.A., Canada, Great Britain, and Japan. Section 4, covers the available technology for oil spill clean up, be it ocean or beach clean up, involving physical, chemical, or biological systems. Also covered in this section is detection technology for oil or other hazardous pollutants. The final section, section 5., describes the bulk of available ship board and port machinery and aids to minimize accidents causing pollution and pollution caused by normal operations of the maritime industry.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Alcan Shipping Services Limited

    1060 University Street
    Montreal 101, PQ  Canada 
  • Publication Date: 1971

Media Info

  • Pagination: 1068 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00028660
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Res Rpt
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 28 1973 12:00AM