A typical fixed roadside object accident is characterized, and the paper discusses the roadsisde safety problem, and the fixed object side impact problem. The type of fixed objects are described, as well as the effect of roadway alignment, effect of roadway classification, effect of surface conditions, vehicle types involved in side impacts, and the effect of seating position. Mitigation strategies are described. Side impact collisions with fixed roadside objects are always severe. Although there is no single implemented solution of the problem, improvements could be effected by removal or relocation of trees and utility poles from hazardous locations. Such strategies will require cooperation from state, county, and city officials. To make a dramatic reduction in side impact fixed object injuries and fatalities will require the concerted effort of many groups.

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00608022
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, ATRI
  • Created Date: May 31 1991 12:00AM