Criticisms of the level and value of road safety education undertaken in British schools were compounded by the introduction of the national curriculum which appeared to leave little or no time for this work. This article describes a systematic approach to the problems worked out by Nottinghamshire's Road Safety Group which has resulted in benefits for both road safety and national curriculum objectives. Instead of competing for space in the education system, it was decided to adapt safety education so that it could be introduced as part of the teaching of the 3 core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science, or via peripheral subjects such as health education. The system relies upon a thorough analysis of all commonly used road safety resources to assess them for their suitability and relevance to the national curriculum. These resources, which include individual pages or sections of books, worksheets, posters, films and videos are then cross referenced to the relevant part of the curriculum. A spread sheet has been designed to show how and where a resource matches the attainment targets and levels of a particular subject and which teaching objectives are being met. For example, pages 2 and 9 of the Highway Code are listed under English, ability level 3 and matched attainment targets 1 to 5. This method is called the Attainment Target-Traffic Education Resource Matching System (AT-TERMS).

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine

    Huddinge University Hospital Center, Traffic Medicine Center
    Stockholm,   Sweden  141 86
  • Authors:
    • Woodcock, N
  • Publication Date: 1990


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: p. 45-50
  • Serial:
    • Journal of traffic medicine
    • Volume: 18
    • Issue Number: 2
    • Publisher: International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine
    • ISSN: 0345-5564

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00606792
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL)
  • Files: ITRD, TRIS, ATRI
  • Created Date: Mar 31 1991 12:00AM