An analysis is made of the factors which affect the level at which freight rates are set. The physical characteristics of the main freight markets are examined with respect to the cargoes carried and the ships employed for this carriage. The three areas of dry bulk, break-bulk, and oil freight markets are then examined. The economic characteristics of fixtures, both open and negotiated, of dry bulk freight rates, the levels of freight rates for liners and tramps engaged in the break-bulk trade, and the levels of oil freight rates with relation to supply and demand for tanker services, length of time of fixture and the indexes used to determine tanker freight rates, and various tanker rate stabilization schemes are discussed. A section is devoted to comparing various freight rates and indexes. Liner freight rates are discussed with respect to country, and tramp, time-charter, liner, and tanker rate indexes are examined and described. The issues of incidence of the cost of transport, protective effects of transport costs, promotional freight rates, and discriminatory freight rates are described. Although no solutions to these problems are offered, the problems are described and different examples are set forth to clarify the issues involved.

  • Corporate Authors:

    United Nations

    Conference on Trade and Development, Palais des Nations, B-14 Avenue de al Paix
    1211 Geneva 10,   Switzerland 
  • Publication Date: 1969

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 95 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00028566
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Sep 29 1973 12:00AM