Electromechanical, hydraulic control rod drive system on the N.S. Savannah moves 21 control rods in the pressurized water reactor. The electrical system includes rod drive motors, position indicators, and relays for actuating equipment and controls. The electric motors control the in-out travel of the control rods during normal operation. Most of the equipment is outside the containment and accessible for maintenance. The high-pressure hydraulic system includes oil storage reservoirs, oil coolers, pumps, valves, and accumulators for maintaining hydraulic oil pressure. This system provides the driving force for control rod scram and a balancing force to decrease the rod drive motor power required to move rods into the core. Hydraulic system maintenance requires an extended outage. This report presents the control rod drive system maintenance, inspection, and tests performed during the 3-week annual outage in 1966.
Supplemental Notes:
- This document is available for review at the Department of Commerce Library, Main Commerce Building, Washington, D.C., under reference number FAST-7.
Corporate Authors:
First Atomic Ship Transport, Incorporated
39 Broadway
New York, NY United States -
- Benedict, R A
- Publication Date: 1966-11
Media Info
- Features: Tables;
- Pagination: 20 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Electric drives; Equipment maintenance; Hydraulic transmissions; Nuclear powered ships; Nuclear reactor components; Nuclear reactors
- Old TRIS Terms: Hydraulic drives; Nuclear reactor control rods; Nuclear reactor maintenance
- Subject Areas: Maintenance and Preservation; Marine Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00027104
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Maritime Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: FAST-7
- Contract Numbers: MA-3890
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Jun 15 1973 12:00AM