An experimental program was undertaken to determine the efficiencies of the iodine sorption systems installed aboard the NS Savannah to prevent escape of radioiodine from the reactor compartment in the event of a reactor accident. Laboratory tests conducted under accident conditions on charcoal-adsorber units, reduced in scale but otherwise identical with those in the ship, showed their efficiency to be 99.86% plus or minus 0.07% at the 95% confidence level. Two methods were developed for in-place testing of adsorber systems, one using 131 sub 1 with radioassay and the other using 127 sub 1 with activation analysis. Both methods were applied on board the NS Savannah: the 131 sub 1 method was rapid and more sensitive but required precautions to avoid accidental release of 131 sub 1; the 127 sub 1 method was slow and less sensitive but required fewer safety precautions. It was concluded, based on results from both laboratory study and shipboard testing, that the adsorber system as installed on the ship could be expected to retain iodine with an efficiency of 99.86% in the event of an accident.(Author)

  • Corporate Authors:

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Reactor Chemistry Division
    Oak Ridge, TN  United States 
  • Authors:
    • Adams, R E
    • Browning Jr, W E
  • Publication Date: 1965-2

Media Info

  • Pagination: 45 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00026909
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
  • Contract Numbers: W-7405-eng-26
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 4 1973 12:00AM