Thermally-insulated Type 304 stainless steel piping was exposed to conditions more conducive to stress corrosion cracking than those of actual service, and the possible effectiveness was investigated of aluminum in contact with stainless steel as an inhibitor to stress corrosion attack. Four test loops were built and operated for 500 hours and then were metallurgically examined. No stress corrosion cracking was detected in any of the sections examined, although intergranular corrosion to a depth of 0.0015 inch was seen in one straight leg section adjacent to a weld. This was concluded to be a structure-sensitive phenomenon. There was no evidence of either an inhibiting or accelerating effect on corrosion provided by the aluminum foil or wire used as wrapping for the piping of two of the test loops.
Supplemental Notes:
- This document is available for review at the Department of Commerce Library, Main Commerce Building, Washington, D.C., under reference number BAW-RR-5444.
Corporate Authors:
Babcock and Wilcox Company
Research Center, P.O. Box 835
Alliance, OH United States 44601 -
- Deville, R E
- Ferguson, K M
- Publication Date: 1962-5-23
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; Figures; Photos; Tables;
- Pagination: 31 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Corrosion; Corrosion tests; Fatigue tests; Pipe; Pipelines; Stress corrosion; Stress cracking; Stresses
- Old TRIS Terms: Corrosion cracking; Pipe stresses; Piping corrosion
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials; Pipelines; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00026486
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Maritime Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: 5444
- Contract Numbers: AT(30-3)-274
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Feb 6 1973 12:00AM