A safeguards evaluation is provided for the reactor and propulsion system, the ship, and the operating procedures to control human exposures within permissible limits and to contain radioactive material during normal operations or credible accidents. Shielding, distance, time, and power level control are all used to maintain personnel exposures from external radiation within limits of 5 rem per year for ship's personnel, and 0.5 rem per year for the general public. The boiling reactor is designed so that excessive steam formation and excessive temperature both tend to reduce the power for plant safety. Safety factors are provided for the reactor, emergency cooling, containment, and emergency electrical and propulsion power systems. Safeguards for maximum credible accidents, power plant accidents, and ship accidents are provided.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • This document is available for review at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academys Library, Kings Point, New York 11024, under reference number GEAP-3484-App-A.
  • Corporate Authors:

    General Electric

    Marine Turbine & Gear Engineer, 1100 Western Ave
    Lynn, MA  United States  01910
  • Publication Date: 1959-8-25

Media Info

  • Features: Appendices;
  • Pagination: 28 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00026175
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Maritime Administration
  • Contract Numbers: AT(04-3)-187
  • Files: TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Feb 6 1973 12:00AM