A new system of high-speed ground transportation cannot be introduced simply by purchasing new equipment, as in the case of jet planes. Any new services above 100 miles per hour will most certainly require vastly improved vibration-free rights-of-way, fitted with continuous welded rails and free from any level crossings, and above a speed of 160 mph, they will have to be located underground or in a tunnel to avoid objectionable turbulence and excessive noise effects. In order to reduce the existing excessive operating labor costs, push-button control will be included and only sufficient personnel will accompany trains to preserve order and meet safety and emergency demands. The prospective cost of any super-high-speed ground transportation system for passengers will lean heavily on public money. In addition to the very high cost, there will be a need to have such a super-high-speed system which may run about 160 mph, physically segregated from existing railway operations for practical reasons of safety. In other words, under any such a program, the passenger operations alone would have to carry the entire cost. The only significant application of ultra-high-speed railway passenger service which could be finally justified at the present time is that being undertaken by the Department of Transportation in the Northeast Corridor between Boston and Washington.

  • Authors:
    • SILLCOX, L K
  • Publication Date: 1968-1

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00024858
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jan 21 1973 12:00AM