Increased ocean transport of bulk chemicals has led to increasing demands for chemically resistant tank linings to prevent contamination or deterioration of the cargo and to reduce corrosion. At the same time such linings contribute to improved safety and lower costs resulting from easier tank cleaning and inspection. Satisfactory performance of these linings depends not only on the correct selection of lining for any particular cargo--there is, as yet, no "universal" lining--but also on correct formulation and application. The latter includes suitable blast cleaning of the metal surface prior to applying properly prepared coating material and subsequently ensuring that the lining is fully cured to give the required mechanical and chemically resistant properties. The main types of lining in current use are described, together with some recent developments in this field. Some indication is also given as to the suitability of these types of linings for certain cargoes, but emphasis is laid on the fact that in many cases factors other than a knowledge of the type of coating and intended cargo will determine whether any particular lined tank is acceptable for any given cargo.

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00019607
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 25 1974 12:00AM