The concerns of transportation planners, who in recent years have had to move away from the center stage they occupied in the '60s and '70s, are addressed in this article. In this unusual presentation, in which two transportation planners articulate their concerns in the form of a dialogue, several noteworthy points are made. It is pointed outt that planners should be aware that planning requires assumptions about the future, that forecasting can be hazardous, and that over the past 30 years, transportation planning has had to be conducted within an unstable and vacillating urban policy framework. Also, goals for transportation were inconsistent. It is noted that the entire transportation system has been undergoing catacylsmic changes. Social, economic, and geographic forces were also exerting influences on society. Mistaken perceptions of what could and what could not be changed, and ways in which the changes could be effected are also discussed. Current issues that will concern planners are noted: the effects of an aging population on travel demand; safety and service needs, city decentralization; the communications revolution; deregulation, reregulation; and new technology.
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Corporate Authors:
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Washington, DC United States -
- Deen, T B
- Publication Date: 1984-8
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 18-22
- ITE Journal
- Volume: 54
- Issue Number: 8
- Publisher: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
- ISSN: 0162-8178
- Serial URL:
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aged; City planning; Communication; Decentralization; Deregulation; Forecasting; Policy; Regulation; Socioeconomic factors; Technology; Traffic safety; Transportation; Transportation planning; Travel demand; Urban transportation
- Uncontrolled Terms: Future growth; Transportation systems
- Old TRIS Terms: Communicating; Future policies
- Subject Areas: Economics; Finance; Planning and Forecasting; Policy; Society; Transportation (General); I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00456178
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jul 31 1986 12:00AM