This article looks back at the changes that have taken place in the transport world in the past 20 years and observes that the Transportation Research Board has lived through a massive transportation evolution and that the pace of change has accelerated rapidly. Looking ahead to the changing conditions and the uncertainties that will face the transportation community in the year 2000, the article considers the implications of future changes and how to ensure that the activities of TRB will stay relevant, valuable, and exciting in responding to these changes. It is suggested that five basic characteristics of TRB will help the organizaiton maintain a leadership role in transportation issues: flexibility, willingness to cease activities when they are no longer relevant, ability to expand, reliance on a wide base of competent professionals, and a multiple communications capability. The article concludes with a trio of major challenges facing the Board in the future: broadening its base of participation in the transportation world; making a significant contribution to management productivity among transportation providers; and responding to changes stimulated by increasing competition in the transportation research and information transfer business.

Media Info

  • Features: Photos;
  • Pagination: p. 3-10
  • Serial:
    • TR News
    • Issue Number: 122
    • Publisher: Transportation Research Board
    • ISSN: 0738-6826

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00454538
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Aug 27 2004 10:00PM