From 1975 the Institute has carried out research on speed control in local areas. The work can be divided into four main parts: 1) A survey of driving speeds in residential areas. Peoples' opinion on driving speeds. 2) Short-term tests of different speed reducing measures: speed limits (30 km/h), speed zones (30 km/h), humps, narrowing of streets, speed limits near schools at certain times of day. 3) Long-term effects of thee same measures. 4) Survey of how the different communities have used different measures. Due to the small number of accidents the effects are measured as speed reduction. For the covering abstract of the seminar see TRIS 450556. (TRRL)
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Supplemental Notes:
- Proceedings of Seminar L, Traffic Operation and Management; Held at the 12th PTRC Summer Annual Meeting, University of Warwick, England, From 10-13 July 1984, Volume P, 254.
Corporate Authors:
PTRC Education and Research Services Limited
110 Strand
London WC2, England -
- Amundsen, F H
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 1984
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Tables;
- Pagination: p. 91-99
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Attitudes; Conferences; Highways; Measures of effectiveness; Methodology; Population; Reduction (Chemistry); Residential areas; Speed; Speed control; Speed control humps; Speed limits; Streets; Urban areas; Width
- Uncontrolled Terms: Decreases; Effectiveness
- Geographic Terms: Norway
- Old TRIS Terms: Reduction
- ITRD Terms: 2267: Attitude (psychol); 8525: Conference; 9009: Decrease; 2755: Highway; 9102: Method; 8084: Norway; 335: Population; 307: Residential area; 551: Road stud; 5408: Speed; 624: Speed limit; 313: Urban area; 6479: Width
- Subject Areas: Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Society; I73: Traffic Control;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00450566
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
- ISBN: 086050-137-X
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 27 2004 9:56PM