This second paper concerned with the choice of mode of travel to secondary schools in Bury considers the effects of those factors recorded on Schofield's survey, which it was thought might influence that choice. The investigation of the influence of the associations between the factors (age, sex, number of employed residents in the household, and occupation of the head of the household) and the factors (distance from home to school and household vehicle availability) which are known to have an effect on a pupil's choice of mode, showed that these associations may explain much of the apparent effect of the former group of factors. Although the investigation was not a rigorous statistical analysis, it demonstrated the possible influence of sometimes unsuspected associations in the data and the absolute necessity of taking into account the effects of variationsin "distance" and "vehicle availability" in any study of other factors influencing the choice of mode of pupils travelling to secondary schools. However, the investigation supported the beliefs that, in addition to "distance" and "vehicle availability", age, sex and occupation of the head of the household do influence a pupil's choice of mode for the journey to school. It further demonstrated that vehicle mode availability is a considerable improvement on household vehicle availability in terms of explaining the differences between modal splits and that, in the absence of a direct measure of the former factor, number of employed residents in the household should also be regarded as influencing modal choice, or perhaps a factor such as household vehicle availability per employed resident should be used in place of vehicle availability for all save households with no employed residents. Household size may be used as a substitute for "employed residents". For the abstract of the first paper see TRIS no 450036.

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Printerhall Limited

    29 Newmart Street
    London W1P 3PE,   England 
  • Authors:
    • Thomas, R
    • ASHLEY, C A
    • Schofield, M P
  • Publication Date: 1985-3

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00450037
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • Files: ITRD, TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 27 2004 9:55PM