Privately-operated jitney services, once popular in American cities and then nearly regulated out of existence, are enjoying renewed interest as urban travel options which could help alleviate public transit cost pressures. This case study documents the unconventional efforts of a private taxi company in Indianapolis to initiate such a service despite regulatory obstacles. Beginning in May 1981, Yellow Cab of Indianapolis initiated its Jitney Express service along three suburb-to-downtown routes. On two of the three routes the jitney ran parallel to public transit, offering more frequent service at a higher fare. Poor ridership on two of the routes caused their cancellation shortly after implementation. The remaining route carries a ridership which appears to be distinct from METRO transit, which claims little or no impact on its operation by Jitney Express. The Jitney Express experiment is important in several respects: acquiring the public support and regulatory approaches to initiate jitney service is an example in private entrepreneurship; the service addresses the needs of a different travel market; and the service is self-sustaining without public subsidy. The report documents the process of acquiring operating approval for the jitney, and presents information on operation characteristics, ridership and costs.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Comsis Corporation

    11501 Georgia Avenue
    Wheaton, MD  United States  20902

    Urban Mass Transportation Administration

    Office of Technical Assistance & Safety, 400 7th Street, SW
    Washington, DC  United States  20590
  • Authors:
    • Hansen, M
    • Kuzmyak, J R
  • Publication Date: 1985-7

Media Info

  • Features: Appendices; Figures; Tables;
  • Pagination: 26 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00451500
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: UMTAMA-06-0049-85-13
  • Contract Numbers: DOT-TSC-1753
  • Files: TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Nov 30 1985 12:00AM