Details are given of the strategic model used in the preparation of the 1983 corporate review. The model considers five modes of transport: commercial vehicle, car, bus, IT rail and BR. Proposed changes are specified in terms of four "policy variables": average bus fare per passenger mile, average IT rail fare per passenger mile, total bus miles operated and total train miles operated. Analysing these changes falls into 2 parts: a) calculating passenger miles changes. For specified changes in fares and service levels on IT, new levels of demand on the five modes are calculated. The required change in LT subsidy can then be obtained; b) estimating the net social benefit. To enable the changes to be evaluated in social benefit terms, the overall costs and benefits to society are calculated. The current model is highly aggregate and can only be used to look at the broad policy issues of bus versus rail, fares versus services. (TRRL)
Corporate Authors:
London Transport Executive
Group Planning Department, 55 Broadway
London SW1H 0BD, England -
- Frerk, M Y
- Publication Date: 1983-3
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References;
- Pagination: 23 p.
- Issue Number: 149
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Automobiles; Benefit cost analysis; Bus transportation; Buses; Commercial vehicles; Fares; Financing; Level of service; Mathematical models; Passenger miles; Public transit; Railroad transportation; Sociology; Subsidies; Tariffs; Transportation policy; Travel demand; Trucks
- Uncontrolled Terms: Mileage; Models; Modifications
- ITRD Terms: 1272: Bus; 1243: Car; 226: Cost benefit analysis; 244: Financing; 6488: Length; 653: Level of service; 1236: Lorry; 6473: Mathematical model; 9048: Modification; 744: Public transport; 1173: Rail bound transport; 2253: Sociology; 241: Tariff
- Subject Areas: Economics; Highways; Motor Carriers; Operations and Traffic Management; Planning and Forecasting; Policy; Public Transportation; Railroads; Society; I10: Economics and Administration; I71: Traffic Theory; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00451029
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 27 2004 9:05PM