In this study, the primary objective was to investigate the strength and behavior of anchor bolt installations. In one phase, high strength anchor bolt groups embedded in reinforced concrete piers were investigated. Bolts with a 1-3/4-in. diameter and a yield stress of 105 ksi were used. The anchorage length was 20 bar diameters and a nut and two or three standard washters provided bearing at the end. From the tests, the effects of bolt spacing and clear cover on the strength of the anchor bolt groups were determined. Center-to-center bolt spacing ranged from 4.0 in. to 13.5 in.; clear cover ranged from 2.4 inc. to 7.4 in. In general, it was confirmed that as bolt spacing, clear cover, or the combination of both, is increased, the group capacity is also increased. Also, groups with shallow clear cover failed very abruptly, while groups with large cover underwent a significant amount of slip while maintaining their load capacity before and after ultimate was reached. In the second phase, six singl bolt tests were performed. The clear concrete cover to each bolt was maintained at 5-5/8 in. Two different steel grades were used in manufacturing the bolts (55 and 105 ksi). Anchorage for the bolts consisted of 90 degree bend plus steel strap, or a nut and steel strap combination. In this series of tests, the effects of the bolt material and the type of anchorage on the tensile capacity of the installations were determined. A post-tension test was performed on a two-bolt group as part of the single bolt test series. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
University of Texas, Austin
Center for Transportation Research, 3208 Red River Street
Austin, TX United States 78705Texas State Department of Highways & Public Transportation
Transportation Planning Division, P.O. Box 5051
Austin, TX United States 78763Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
- Jirsa, James O
- Cichy, N T
- Calzadilla, M R
- Smart, W H
- Pavluvcik, M P
- Breen, J E
- Publication Date: 1984-11
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 154 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Anchorages; Bolts; Cobalt; Concrete; Spacing; Strength of materials; Support piles; Yield stress
- Old TRIS Terms: Cobalt compounds; Concrete piles
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Design; Geotechnology; Highways; Materials; I24: Design of Bridges and Retaining Walls;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00450912
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: FHWA/TX-85/51+305/1F, Res Rpt. 305-1F
- Contract Numbers: Res Study 3-5-81-305
- Created Date: Aug 27 2004 9:04PM