The Agri-access Network Study was a cooperative project to identify the system of rural roads and bridges which is most important to Pennsylvania's Agriculture and Forest industries. The study involved extensive coordination with local representatives. It was successful in identifying major agricultural activity areas, defining the basic highway network serving these areas, and locating critical obstructions to thee efficient movement of agricultural supplies and products. Analysis of thee resulting data provides valuable information for decision makers. Pennsylvania's Agri-Access Network consists of 11,821 miles of rural roads. This network is comprised mainly of collector highways which provide access between the farming areas and the main system of commercial highways of the state. As a result of the study, nearly 600 obstructions were identified as affecting movements of heavy agricultural and lumber loads. The most prevalent problems are bridge obstructions, 312 of which are weight-restricted. Prior to the study, 88 of the bridge obstructions were included on state's major bridge improvement program. Additional bridge projects are being prioritized for improvement either as future capital projects or as county maintenance projects. An important result of the effort is the formation of a responsive communication network. Coordination with local representatives has afforded valuable information concerning the relationships between the highway/bridge network and agricultural activities in each area. The study has also demonstrated the benefits improved working relationships between local agricultural interest groups and state government in solving common transportation problems. The identification of this system of roads acknowledges the importance of agriculture within Pennsylvania's overall economy. Furthermore, it recognizes the economic value of maintaining a viable network of rural roads for the efficient transportation of agricultural and rorestry supplies and products between rural areas and processing and marketing centers. It also provides valuable information on those highways most critical to this vital sector of the State's economy and offers an additional framework to assist the Transportation Department in targeting scarce highway funds. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Commonwealth and Forster Streets
Harrisburg, PA United States 17120Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
211 Agriculture Building, 2301 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA United States 17120 - Publication Date: 1985-4
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Photos; Tables;
- Pagination: 22 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Access roads; Farm roads; Highway bridges; Highways; Improvements; Inventory; Networks; Roads; Rural highways; State government; Strategic planning
- Uncontrolled Terms: Road networks
- Subject Areas: Economics; Freight Transportation; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Society; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00450615
- Record Type: Publication
- Created Date: Aug 27 2004 9:01PM