In this paper, the interaction of an ice sheet with an off-shore pile, such as in the support structure of a drilling platform or a docking facility, is considered. The pile is treated as a rigid member and the ice sheet is assumed to be subjected at its periphery to horizontal time-varying distributed loads. The problem is treated as a dynamic plane stress problem. The numerical solution of this model, using a large deformation computer code (CIRKICE) based on the method of artificial viscosity, yields complete stress fields in the ice sheet and the forces experienced by the pile. This information is useful both in designing the structure and in studying the problem of 'ice breakup.'
Supplemental Notes:
- Abstract of paper delivered at the First International Conference on "Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions" held at Trondheim, Norway, August 23-30, 1971
Corporate Authors:
POAC Conference
, -
- Sidhu, G S
- Hanagud, S
- Ross, B
- Publication Date: 1971-8-23
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Cold weather construction; Force; Ice; Ice phenomena; Offshore platforms; Structural analysis
- Uncontrolled Terms: Ice breakup
- Geographic Terms: Arctic Regions
- Old TRIS Terms: Arctic engineering; Ice forces on structures; Ice models
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Marine Transportation; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00025687
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Arctic Institute of North America
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 28 1972 12:00AM