The leading role in departures from Hooke's law is played by plastic deformations caused by irreversible displacement in crystallites (for example, shear, twinning, dislocation, and so on). When metals and polymers undergo cyclic deformation (stretching-compression and sign-alternating twisting), even in the so-called elastic region these departures yield a hysteresis loop instead of the anticipated Hooke's straight line. A special stand was built to investigate sign-constant and cyclic deformations. Torsion of cylindrical and tubular specimens was selected as the type of deformation to be investigated for polymers and metals. This type of deformation yields shearing in a purer state than other deformation types--elongation, compression, and bending. The torque applied to the test specimens was measured by the deformation of an elastic element. The specimen and the elastic element were rigidly connected with a special coupling element, forming one system. The mechanism for photographic recording of the loading curve and the hysteresis loop consisted of mirrors with illuminators, a tape drive mechanism, photographic tracing paper, and an electronic module for remote control of the stand. The stand is designed for testing small specimens at different temperatures and over a wide range of deformation rates.
Corporate Authors:
Doklady Akademiy Nauk
Minski, USSR -
- Galenko, P P
- Lobasenok, V A
- Bolshakov, V N
- Publication Date: 1971
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 134-136
- Volume: 15
- Issue Number: 2
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Deformation; Elastic deformation; Elasticity (Mechanics); Repeated loads; Torsion
- Old TRIS Terms: Torsional deformation
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00024797
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Joint Publications Research Service
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jan 21 1973 12:00AM