This book is authoritative, scholarly and yet highly readable. It summarizes the state of knowledge on injection, dispersal, uptake by the biota, transfer through the food web, effects on the ecosystem, and ultimate disposition of artificial radionuclides in the marine environment. It was updated by the authors almost to the moment of printing. Secondly, it largely covers information gathered during the era when interest and research on radioacitivty in the marine environment were at their peak and should be welcomed as a standard reference and handbook by every person associated in any way with radioactivity in the aquatic environment. It will be useful to scientists, teachers and administrators. In addition, now that techniques for detecting and measuring some of the non-radioactive species of the elements are become sensitive enough to measure very low concentrations, Radioactivity in the Marine Environment will be of great value to those concerned with pollution research on such materials as heavy metals. The 10 chapters of the report involved 31 authors from 20 organizations in the United States, including universities, national laboratories outside the USA (Canada, United Kingdom and Monaco). Essentially all the relevant disciplines involved in the marine environment have been covered, and in some chapters, there is a strong interdisciplinary character in the treatment. Following are the titles of each chapter: Sources of Radioactivity and Their Characteristics; Oceanic Distributions of Radionuclides from Nuclear Expolsions; Physical Processes of Water Movement and Mixing; Marine Chemistry; Marine Sediments and Radioactivity; Accumulation and Redistribution of Radionuclides by Marine Organisms; Ecological Interactions of Marine Radioactivity; Radiation Effects; Evaluation of Human Radiation Exposure.

  • Corporate Authors:

    National Research Council

    2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC  United States  20418
  • Publication Date: 1971

Media Info

  • Features: Tables;
  • Pagination: p. 1-288

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00019332
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 8 1973 12:00AM