With oil production being limited by the OPEC, it is necessary to develop alternate sources to maintain the level of production. This survey calculates the oil deposits in the sea and then estimates the number of such deposits which must be developed by 1985 to assure adequate production levels. The relationship between the oil deposits to be discovered and the necessary number of drilling rigs is not unique for different regions. In regions where oil deposits are concentrated and the deposits large, the number of rigs necessary for unit-discovery of oil is small, and vice versa. The type of drilling rigs required are divided into two categories -- (1) semisubmersible and drill ship (2) others such as submersible and jack-up types. It is estimated that 620 new drilling rigs will be built world-wide by 1985 and that the semisubmersible type will represent an increasing share of the market. The survey divides the world into regions, indicating known deposits and estimated deposits to be discovered by 1985 in millions of kiloliters per region. The number of wells to be drilled and the number of rigs required are included. Tables are provided listing number of working rigs in 1974, percent scrapped, those under construction and estimates of those that will be in existence in 1985. An estimate is then provided of the total rigs that must be built, subdivided according to the number for each region. Additional estimates are made for the number of each type rig by region.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Ministry of Transportation, Japan

    Shipbuilding Division
    Tokyo,   Japan 
  • Publication Date: 1974-8

Media Info

  • Pagination: 19 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00084473
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Shipbuilders Council of America
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 1 1975 12:00AM